Thursday, June 7, 2012


It may just be me, but why is it always cloudy if there is something really cool to view in the sky?  An example of this has to be the recent eclipse, here in Michigan we had to wait until almost sunset to see the event.  So patiently I waited feeling confident under the clear blue skies above.  I guess that was my first mistake, never get too confident because life is guaranteed to pull the carpet from under your feet. Sure enough, by the end of the day blankets of grey cloud came rolling in from off of the lake! Talk about someone having a laugh at my expense, I always used to joke that inanimate objects are self-aware.

     You can see where I’m going with this one?  Someone pays a compliment to you by saying...

“What a beautiful clock.”

“Thank-you, it keeps perfect time too.”

     Only for it to die a death later in the day! Darn it, stupid contraption must have died out of spite.  Well this is a similar situation, blue skies all day up until you want to see the eclipse then Wham!  It’s a non-event.  So you end up having to see it on the internet from a guy that lives 3 miles down the road … Grrrr

I should be used to it really; even my dad has bottles of whiskey throwing themselves off the shelves as he walks passed! Almost as if its life isn’t worth it any more.  Sat there all day, knowing that all you've got coming to you is having your head screwed off, and your life slowly poured away. So out of despair, it throws its self onto the mercy of the Super Market Gods, crash!

Hey look, the suns come out again. Typical!

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