I never realized until a couple of hours ago that today is my Five years in America day.. Wow! .. how could I almost let that one slip by?
It feels like another life time ago viewing it now from my minds eye, how quickly time flashes by when you take your eye off of it for a moment.
Thinking back to that day when I left England for the last time, knowing that it would be as a visitor, and not as a welcome home return next time I set foot on UK soil, this felt odd. Trust me its a strange feeling, going a holiday is one thing, but leaving for good is a weird amalgamation of emotions. Excited for the challenges ahead, yet sad in a whimsical way. Still I knew that this was the best decision I had ever made, being fully aware of the obstacles that lay in front of me, and now 5 years on of the unforeseen problems I would have no way of knowing about.
It is frightening to think that if I'd never had the courage to follow my heart, and make the journey across the pond to be here with my wife in Michigan, there would have been so much I'd never have done!
All the great people I got to meet, the photography I took and went on to make my own, not to mention the 40 plus original words of wisdom I went on to write. Then there is the book that Jeanne my wife is now in the process of writing too, its possible non of this would of happened. Then again maybe it would have, guess I'll never know now, but if there is one thing it hammered home to me it is to " Follow your passion" After all, it yours, and your alone to miss out on.
So to all of you that may stumble upon this blog, remember these words .. "Your destiny will only meet you halfway, so get up and walk towards it." A.Steinberg© ( Yes you've guessed it, one of my words of wisdom.)
So thank-you Jeanne for being there for me, together we can accomplish anything that we can envision. It's the struggle that makes the success worth the wait.
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